The Community Education Project
Fighting for a better education and the future of our community
CEP gratefully accepts donations
to support our mission.
“When we started this class some of us couldn’t even write our names. All of us had left school years ago. Now with this class we are able to write a letter for the first time. Now we can do math and go to the bank to get our money to pay the bills. Before this class, we needed someone to do that for us. To be out of school for so long and come back thinking that we don’t know much, or remember anything is painful. Our teacher helped us refresh our memories, and she has helped us get back on track. It’s a feeling of happiness that is hard to explain. Thank you CEP.”
~NLL Students
Rose Egan
Fighting for a better education and the future of our community!
News and Events
CEP offers professional, affordable
English to Spanish document translation.
"...Literacy instructions is most effective when it involves content that speaks to the needs of social conditions of the learner."
~Paulo Freire, 1994
CEP's Mission
The Community Education Project works towards social and economic justice by contributing to the development of a capable, informed, and self-determining Latino Community in greater Holyoke, Massachusetts.
CEP's work is carried out through adult literacy and language education programs as well as through grassroots organizing and action initiatives.
We encourage our students and others to:
- Respect human dignity with its rights and responsibilities;
- Live in solidarity with others, aware of our interdependence;
- Seek the well-being of all;
- Value all forms of work and creativity;
- Increase awareness about social and economic inequalities.